how to spot ash dieback
Ash dieback. We’ve heard the name and know it damages trees across the UK, but what is it?
At Man Coed, we assess and deal with trees suffering from ash dieback across Wales and the North West daily.
Ash trees make up a third of the UK’s tree population. So you will see them in our woodlands, hedgerows, parks, and gardens. While millions of trees are estimated to become infected, some will build an intolerance to the disease and continue to reproduce the next generation of Ash trees.
The fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (formerly known as Chalara fraxinea) originated in Asia in 1990 and has spread there. The disease affects the tree by cutting off the branches’ water and nutrient supply, causing them to die back.
How do you spot the disease? And what do you do if you think your tree has Ash dieback?
You can spot the disease by looking at your tree and its leaves in a few different ways.
– You may see dark spots on the leaves
– Wilted leaves
– Branches losing their leaves and ‘dying back.’
– You may see dark patches or lesions on the branches or trunk
If you suspect your tree is suffering from this disease, the best thing to do is contact a qualified, insured tree professional who can advise you on the best way to move forward.
We can offer advice and a complete tree safety and condition report here at Man Coed. For more help and advice on your Ash trees or any trees, please call us on 01244 288088